Monday, May 22, 2017

What's in Your Backpack? Theme Park Essentials for Ultimate Summer Fun

The countdown to summer is on! Kids all across the country are excitedly awaiting a summer vacation full of fun in the sun! For parents who are busily planning their kids’ summer activities, theme parks are almost certainly at the top of your list. Make sure to be prepared for a day at the theme park with your family by making sure you pack these must-have items:

Tickets- There’s nothing quite as bad as getting to the front of a theme park admission gate with excited kids only to realize you left the tickets on the dining room table. While most amusement parks now accept digital passes on your mobile device, some smaller theme parks keep it old-school, demanding traditional paper tickets for admission. Play it safe and take care to put the tickets in your backpack when you first get them, so your summer doesn’t turn into a bummer!

Sunscreen- You will want to bring a bunch of souvenirs home from the theme park with you, but a red, peeling face and back shouldn’t be one of them! Slather on ample amounts of sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 or higher about 30 minutes prior to hitting the sun, and be sure to reapply at least once per hour, or anytime you have gone on a water ride. Not only will you minimize your risk of skin cancer in the long term, but you won’t have to deal with achy, peeling skin in the short term.

Reusable water bottle- Staying hydrated is always important, and when your plans include walking around a busy amusement park all day in 90-degree heat, making sure to drink enough water becomes a literal matter of life and death. Not only can dehydration-related sickness put a damper on your theme park visit, it can also lead to heat stroke and other, more serious medical problems. Simply pack a reusable water bottle for each member of the family and make sure to keep it filled with fresh water all day long.
A change of clothes (including underwear!)- People tend not to think of packing a spare change of clothes for all the potty-trained members of their family, but take a moment to consider how many water-related rides there are at a typical amusement park. Even if it isn’t a full-fledged water park, there is bound to be at least one attraction where the first three rows get wet. Avoid that sloshy, uncomfortable feeling by taking time to pack a change of clothes, including underwear, for everyone.

Have any tips for making an amusement park trip even better? Let us know in the comments section.

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