Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Make the Most of your Day: How to Fit Enjoyment Into Your Busy Life

Do you ever feel as though you are being pulled in about 20 different directions each day? You’re not alone- between work, family, housework, volunteer commitments, and church and school obligations, most of us run on all 8 cylinders every day, with little or no time left over to relax. While it is important to get it all done, it is just as vital to fit in time to enjoy life and appreciate the beauty of everyday living. Here are a few tips for fitting enjoyment and happiness into your life even when you feel like you have no time at all!

Take Five- Got five minutes? It may not feel like you do, but trust us- it’s worth it. A simple five-minute break to sit down with a cup of coffee and chat with a friend, do a crossword puzzle, or read a chapter of your book can greatly improve your mindset, which can propel you forward throughout the rest of your busy day with more motivation and willingness to tackle the less-pleasant tasks on your to-do list.

Listen to Your Body- Have you ever been so busy that you forgot to eat or even go to the bathroom? This can be extremely dangerous and lead to illness, fatigue and burnout. Take cues from your body to find out what it needs to keep going and stay healthy. A quick fruit- and veggie-packed smoothie can work wonders for a busy person on the go, as can a quick piece of fruit or a handful of protein-rich nuts. Treat your body right, and it will return the favor!

Prioritize- Feeling like you just can’t fit it all in? Maybe you can’t, and that’s OK! If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of tasks you have on your plate, lighten the load a little bit by prioritizing what needs to get done. Remember- it’s OK to say no to after-work commitments or outings you just don’t have the time or energy to do. Stick with what is most important to you and let the rest go- you’ll be glad you did!

Outsource if Possible- If there is something on your list that never seems to get done, don’t let it stress you out- if you can, delegate tasks to others who are willing to help you out. Maybe your spouse can get your children’s dinner ready while you tackle the bills, or perhaps a trusted friend or family member can help you get your household chores under control over a weekend. When all else fails, look into hiring a cleaning service, yard maintenance crew or laundry service if finances allow- you’ll be amazed how much better you will feel when your most dreaded task is off your list of things to do!

Got any other tips for living a calmer, more relaxed life? Let us know in the comments section.

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